Whether you're looking to support an organization beyond our Parish or want to connect with new people in the community, these organizations guarante to inspire you and those around you.
California Catholic Conference: https://cacatholic.org/
Diocese of San José: https://www.dsj.org/
Mission Santa Clara de Asís: https://www.scu.edu/missionchurch//
St Ann Choir: http://www.stannchoir.org/
St Dennis Parish: https://stdenisparish.org/
Thomas Merton Center: https://thomasmerton.org/
The Catholic Community Foundation: https://catholiccf.org/donor-advised-funds/
Catholic Worker House: https://catholicworker.org/directory/ca-redwood-city-catholic-worker-house-html/
Ecumenical Hunger Program: https://www.ehpcares.org/
LifeMoves: https://www.lifemoves.org/
Soles4Souls: https://soles4souls.org/
St Vincent de Paul Santa Clara: https://www.svdp.org/
Catholic Link: https://catholic-link.org/
National Catholic Register: https://www.ncregister.com/
The Valley Catholic: https://thevalleycatholic.org/
Vatican News: https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
Watch Vatican News on YouYube (updated frequently)